Sunday bikedays on Colonel by Drive. Rideau Canal and bikepath on left.
Every Sunday from 9am-1pm from the middle of May to mid-September, several roadways in Ottawa are closed and open to pedestrian and cyclists. My first weekend here was the opening day of this weekly event and decided what better way to see a bit more of the city (and get some exercise at the same time)?
Fortunately enough for me, one of the roads that is closed is literally just around the corner from where I am living. I made my way down to the bike room, hopped on my bike and started off on my way with all the other bikers...and there were lots of them!
It was so wonderful to see entire families out enjoying the great weather and being active. Perhaps I'm just more aware, but I do notice a HUGE difference in the physical activity level of Ottawa citizens as compared to other cities I've been. The city seems to be much more accommodating when it comes to getting around with a bicycle - and just affirms my belief on how your built environment can promote (or prevent) being active.
But enough ranting, back to my lovely cycle ride. I hadn't traveled more than 5 minutes when I realized that something was amiss. My bike was making some funky squeaking sound that would not go away, no matter how many times I changed gears. In amongst all these other riders, I was beginning to feel quite self conscious about this horrible squeak. I was EXTREMELY fortunate that there was a little tent set up with a few guys offering simple tune-ups for bikers. It turns out that my bike's back breaks had shifted (likely from the moving process) and were pressing against my wheel! After a quick modification to this and some more air in my tires I was off again - - on what felt like a completely new bike!
It was a wonderful ride - I had the chance to head all the way downtown and back riding along side the Rideau canal. It was a great way to spend my first full weekend in Ottawa.
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